Monday, February 4, 2008

eating better, not butter

Having a degree in nutrition is no guarantee for having healthy eating habits. It simply means I feel more guilt about being a food junkie. For this reason, I have decided that my Primary Prevention Project (which will span a period of 7 months) will be based on meeting two of the Healthy People 2010 nutrition goals. These are: 1) eat at least 2 fruit servings daily and 2)eating a minimum of 3 vegetables servings daily. In the next post I will describe some of the benefits of eating at least 5 daily servings of fruits and vegetables. Also, I will give you examples of serving sizes in case you may also want to keep track of your daily intake. During the next seven months I will keep you posted on how I'm meeting my goals! Feel free to post any advice you may have for me!



clayito&mima said...

eating better is a good thing, but isn't it nice to eat a big stick of butter every once in a while? tony thinks so.

marianne said...

You should try Flat Earth baked fruit crisps! They taste like chips but each serving is a serving of fruit!

littlebrowntony said...

i agree with clayholley - in fact, according to recent ADA guidelines, if the butter is shaped like a vegetable, then it counts as eating a vegetable, so meeting your goals may not be as difficult as you imagine.

Shoshana said...

i want a butter sandwich

clayito&mima said...

shoshana: according to littlebrowntony and the ADA, in order to get your vegetable serving(s) you will need to shape the butter on your sandwich into tomatoe slices and/or Romaine lettuce leaves. thank you.

Unknown said...

How does tatters and beans fit into the picture. They sure make me feel peachy sometimes.

Anonymous said...

mmm butter:) haha good project idea! i need your nutrition advice too, i love junk food to much!

clayito&mima said...

i think it's about time for another post, o wise nutritionist. we butter lovers have grown tired and weary of this post and are ready to ransack a new post.