Sunday, September 7, 2008

The End

Hi friends and family,

I guess this is the end of my project. For the last few months I have been trying to change my diet and eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables. I have tried to post regularly, but it didn't always happen. For those of you who have been reading my blog, you are aware of what a struggle and challenge it was for me to stay on track. Now that my project is finished and I look back, I have to say that I did not do as well as I had hoped. While I did not meet my goals, I did gain a lot of knowledge and insight into what it is like to modify unhealthy behaviors. This was a great experience that will definitely shape the way I practice nursing and nutrition. It has allowed me to be more patient and to focus more on setting realistic goals for myself and any other patient I might be counseling. I failed in accomplishing my overall goal, but I did improve my diet. I am still not eating 5 a day, but I probably average about 4/day. Also, an additional goal I had was to maintain my BMI and I was actually even able to lower it. I have exercised more than I have in the last 5 or 6 years. The combination of better diet and exercise has made me feel healthier than I have in a long time. Also, I have lost about 10 pounds since the beginning of the summer. Thank you to all your support and encouragement throughout the last few months!
